Day 11: Examine Commitment
Read Matthew 6:5-18
“This, then, is how you should pray. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10)
Do you want to see God use your church to accomplish God’s mission in the world? Have you decided in your heart that you want to give, but are still trying to decide what that stewardship decision will look like? When you decide to make your choice a matter of faith, then the next step is to seek God’s will. “They gave themselves first to the Lord, and, by the will of God, then to us.” (2 Corinthians 8:5)
Seeking God’s will means allowing God to be involved in your decisions and your life! Seeking God’s will means inviting God’s input and guidance. It means genuinely asking, “What would you do through me, Lord, to make Your will happen in and through your church?”
Where does one ask for God’s guidance and seek God’s will? How does one invite God to participate in his or her life? Those things happen as we intentionally spend time in prayer.
A stewardship decision is a prayerful commitment. A stewardship decision invites God to the dialogue and involves God in the discussion. A stewardship decision becomes much more than just my sense of goodwill. It means discovering and acting within a sense of God’s goodwill.
Taking the turn at second base will take much time for prayer... time for listening and learning and reflecting...time for asking and searching and seeking. Getting to second base means turning even further from what I am willing to do toward what God wills in my life.
Prayer: Lord, I want to honor your name. I desire for your will to be done - in me and through me. Let your kingdom in my life. Speak to me and reveal to me the part you want me to play in seeing you accomplish your mission in the world through my church!
Action Item: Listen well over the next week. Note in your journal what you hear and believe God is speaking to you.