Day 19: Exude Gratitude

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

A capital campaign is above and beyond giving. It is sacrificial giving. Some will describe such a capital campaign giving in this way: “I know what that means to give until it hurts!”

Give until it hurts?

Making a sacrifice means giving up something of meaningful value to you in order to give to something that means even more to you. It is giving something you care about, to something you love even more. The lasting effect of such giving should not be “hurt,” but rather the joy discovered in giving yourself to those things that are most important to you.

Try giving until you discover some joy, the joy of making a difference in a God-given calling. The joy of aligning your life with God’s grace and will. The joy of a meaningfully and purposefully committed life. The joy of doing your part along with a whole community of faithful people. The joy of helping to make miracles – large and small – happen. The joy of seeing people’s lives change because of the seeds you planted and nurtured — the joy of glorifying God.

Indeed, as Paul says to the church in Corinth, “you will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God.” (verse 11).

Give until it hurts?

No one is being asked to hurt in this season of our church. If that is where you are heading, then you are going about this decision in the wrong spirit. Besides, giving until it hurts is far too easy. If you want a real challenge and a real blessing in your life – try giving in ways that mean so much to you that you discover joy in your commitment.

Prayer: Lord, teach me greater joy and abundant thanksgiving in a meaningful, purposeful, committed life.

Action Item: Make a list of the reasons why you are GLAD to give – your personal prayer of rejoicing and thanksgiving.


Day 20: Exude Gratitude


Day 18: Extravagant Blessing