Day 4: Experience Calling
Read 1 Samuel 3:1-11
“Speak Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10)
In the time of Samuel, the bible says, “the word of the Lord was rare in those days, and visions were not widespread.” It is easy for people to feel the same way today. Who has heard God call their name? Who has heard God speak a word to them? And what great, Godly vision drives your life?
Most people seem to want to think that the word of the Lord is rare, that the word of the Lord only comes to people like the pastors and missionaries who are somehow “specially” called. Sometimes people seem to want to think that God has no word, no call, and no vision for them.
Maybe, like the boy Samuel, we simply are not listening well. We hear something calling our name and tugging at our hearts. Perhaps we need to learn to listen better for a word from God. Maybe it is not a word from God that is rare, but faithful listening from those who would serve God that is so rare.
Every Christian has a calling. In fact, every Christian has several callings -- as well as the God-given gifts, graces, and blessings to respond to those callings.
Every Christian is called to be a faithful steward of the talents and time and resources God has blessed them with. Being a faithful steward is a personal calling – a word from the Lord. It is a calling that comes with your name attached to it. It is a calling that only you can respond to. You can ignore that calling completely. You can brush o£ that calling by responding only in minimal ways. Or, recognizing God’s claim over your life, you can wake up and listen for God’s own voice. There is a word from the Lord for you in this season of our church. There is a God-given vision for our church in this season. “Speak to me, Lord. I am your servant. I am listening to hear from you.”
Prayer: Lord, teach me not only to say Samuel’s prayer, “Speak, for your servant is listening,” but actually to listen for your word, Lord, and to do your word.
Action Item: Are you listening for God’s word? List where you hear God’s word (in scripture, in worship, in prayer, in other faithful people, etc.) in your daily prayer time and your journaling. Make a note of the ways that God is speaking to you.