Day 8: Increase Engagement
Read Romans 12:1-2
“Offer yourselves as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is.” (Romans 12:1-2)
“Love the Lord your God...with all of your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)
A magazine ran a series of articles asking people, “How has your mind changed?” Some people answered by telling how a relationship changed their racial prejudices, or by sharing how some tragedy or suffering made them more aware of and compassionate toward others.
What can change your mind? That is an interesting question. Changing one’s mind is a rare and challenging thing - especially if the transformation means changing our direction, our opinions, our goals, and our plans. Yet such change is the exact thing Paul calls every Christian to. He calls us to be wholly transformed by the renewing of our minds. And he calls us to give ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice.
Would anyone notice that your life is molded by the mind of Christ?
Could those around you who have known you over periods of time witness your Christ-like transformation?
Could anyone notice the difference in you as you offer yourself more fully to God?
How has your life in faith changed your mind?
How have your priorities changed? How has your life changed?
Are you still conformed to this world, or are you being transformed?
Prayer: Lord, lead me to see things differently, to think differently, to live differently. Reset my priorities. Transform my mind, ...and my life!
Action Item: Get in touch with the “mindset” that you have entered this season of prayer with. What have you predetermined? What are you stubborn about? What have you already decided? Be honest here – write those things down. Then commit yourself to be open to God conforming your paradigms to His. Listen, look, reflect – and see what you learn. You may be surprised to find yourself transformed before this prayer journey is finished.