Family Devotionals: Elijah and Elisha
Dear Parents,
Following God’s great display of power at Mount Carmel, Elijah fled for his life and traveled to Mount Horeb where he encountered God in a soft whisper. God instructed Elijah to anoint a man named Elisha as his successor. Elijah found Elisha plowing a field. Elijah put his cloak over Elisha to show that Elisha would be a prophet like Elijah. Elisha followed Elijah and served him for many years. In time, King Ahab of Israel appointed his son Ahaziah as king. When Ahaziah died, his brother Joram became king.
Elijah’s ministry came to an end, and God took him to heaven in an unusual way. First, Elijah and Elisha traveled from Gilgal to Bethel to Jericho and then to the Jordan River. Elijah met with other prophets and their families. Despite Elijah’s insistence otherwise, Elisha did not leave Elijah’s side.
A group of prophets watched as Elijah parted the Jordan River by striking the water with his mantle (cloak) so he could cross. In Elijah’s final moments, Elisha requested, “Please, let me inherit two shares of your spirit” (2 Kings 2:9). Elisha wanted power to continue God’s work and confirmation as Israel’s next prophet.
A chariot of fire and horses of fire suddenly appeared and separated the men. Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind, and Elisha cried out after him. When Elijah was out of view, Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak and struck the water of the Jordan River. The water parted—a sign that Elisha had received power from God. Elisha would continue the work of Elijah as a prophet to Israel.
As you talk with your kids this week, remind them that God gave Elisha the same spirit that was in Elijah so Elisha could carry out his mission as a prophet. Years later, Jesus told His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit. God gives believers the Holy Spirit so they can share the gospel with the world.