January 5th & 12th: Creation
Read the story with your child:
In the beginning, there was nothing - except for God. Then God breathed and began to speak.
“Light! Let there be light!” God made light. And it was good.
“Sky!" Let there be sky!” God made the sky. And it was good.
“Water and land! Plants and trees! Sun, moon, stars!” God made them all. And it was good.
“Fish and birds and wild animals!” God made living creatures. And it was good.
“People! Let there be people!” God saw all of creation, and it was very good. Then God rested.
We are part of God’s good creation.
Say this prayer together:
Point to yourself. I am part of God’s good creation.
Motion to your child. You are part of God’s good creation.
Hold your child tight for a hug. We are part of God’s good creation.
Hold hands up. Thank you, God, for creating us. Amen!