March 15th & 22nd: Deborah
About This Bible Story
As a judge, military commander, and prophet, Deborah was a formidable person. As a woman living in the ancient world, she was a game changer with a brilliant mind. This story tells of decisive and deadly military action that comes from Deborah’s command to Barak that they battle the Canaanite army led by Sisera. Later verses in the story that are not part of the Frolic Preschool Bible describe how another woman, Jael, ended Sisera’s life with a tent peg.
For a preschooler to see strong, powerful women take the center stage in God’s story is an important way to emphasize that God works through many different people, then and now. Through the actions of these brave women, this story points to ways that the people of God can use their gifts for the good of God’s
A Child’s View of the Story
Frolic Preschool Sunday School might be the first time and place where some preschoolers hear this story of wise Deborah. The illustrations in the Frolic Preschool Bible bypass any scenes of battle. Instead they feature wise Deborah sitting under her palm tree and standing beside Barak after they are victorious in battle. Her brave actions made a big difference in the lives of God’s people.
This story introduces preschoolers to a wise and trustworthy woman who helped people solve their problems. It is not a stretch for young children to learn that a woman during Bible times was wise and helpful. They probably know some women like this in their own lives! Emphasize that God sends us wise helpers who know what to do when we do not. Sometimes those helpers don’t just do the difficult thing for us. Instead, they bring out the best in us so we can accomplish big things together.